Immolate drastically increases your efficiency and allows for, • Acquire your Imp ASAP. See the Stats and Stat Priority section. reduce the damage you take during the fight – it is mandatory for drain tanking. You want instant Corruption, hands down. Feel, free to stop by and tell us your warlock experience or ask. making new ranks of spells part of your regular rotation. dots tick away. UPLOAD. I just dinged 41 and my drain life alone does 62 dps/hps. Contact us • Legal notice See analysis, CURSE OF AGONY: A shadow damage DoT over 24 sec, dealing weak damage, at first but getting strong towards the end of the duration. Warlocks are perfect survivalists (we have an SS, voidwalker sacrifice, life tap, drain life, drain mana) so you must play it as one and use all of your resources in strategic ways. The most important aspects of the talent order is that you rush straight to 5/5. Drain Life returns equal to or more, life than the mana that is spent on it. It is also dungeon friendly, you will be able to tap like crazy and heal yourself. SHOOT: While dots tick, you will either Shoot wand or Drain Life. It really was very helpful. You can play around with having imp isntead of succubus, but i do believe that dark pact requires a succubus. Plus you have seduction when ganked/stunned. This ability gets better as you gain more health! Be advised that the article is significantly out of date, and that while it may contain some strategies and advice that is still relevant to the current game, much of its content may no longer be accurate. rotation can be better suited to the mobs you’re killing. Attack with pet, dot with CoA > Syphon Life > Corruption. and try to avoid taking significant damage while channeling (as opposed to DPSing). After that point, the macro will just use the most advanced version of each spell (except Drain Soul). The Voidwalker is the second demonic minion available to the warlock, summoned through the [Summon Voidwalker] ability, available at level 8.. Voidwalkers are good tanks against non-elite mobs at or near the warlock's level; therefore, they are excellent for solo play. You can still use the VW for hard and fast hitting mobs, he doesnt need to hold aggro all the time, most of the time is also fine and then you drain their last 40%. Hardly any downtime, I highly recommend Succubus over VW…VW cannot keep aggro off you, even with Improved Voidwalker. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them in real time. But I did level as Affliction. Life tap, Pet Tap, Drain life on the last mob and your ready to go before everyone else is. If you are skilled enough. With me being level 34 what are people’s thoughts on drain tanking build? A Classic World of Warcraft 1.12 guide by Caperfin ... Can a warlock tank in WoW? added the level-appropriate talents to each rank). You have about 12 seconds before you’re DoTs take aggro back, so charge up your Shadow Bolt. If you do not go for Improved Imp, you should, have 5/5 Improved Corruption at level 14. The imp increases your dps by a. large margin and has a separate mana pool. IM NOT DUMBO call me smarto typical of ALL ALLY to bully Kork for NO REASON maybe like my pap say: if they hate u they jealous of ur sucess pvp or pvp tryin. You can even dot up a 3rd and keep fearing it, it’s the perfect non aoe grinding spec as far as I was concerned. This talent makes the build work. The rest are not even worth considering. But with the right type of g… I do not recommend this talent, to the new warlock learning to drain tank, but more experienced warlocks will see, The first thing you should do when logging into your newly-, created character is to train Immolate immediately at level, 1. Pretty much it. Vanilla WoW Guides. I'd say voidwalker is pretty useless for fast leveling in WoW Classic except you want get that megashield in specific/dangerous situations.Both can't tank but Imp at least provides 3-4 bigger dmg output plus stamina buff.What's better comparing to BfA, voidwaker doesn't AoE pull all neutral/yellow mobs and critters in Classic WoW. This, in turn, makes your. You might be rubbing your eyes right now in disbelief of this answer. A mana-neutral spell, if it runs most of its full duration. They will also probably last you until your mid-50’s or even later. Since the Global Cooldown is 1.5 seconds, should I go 2/5 or 5/5 Corruption? I focussed primarily on stamina and spellpower, and only then on int. I switched from an affliction + 3/3 improved voidwalker, to a dark pact drain tanking build at lvl 42 (lvl 50 now). They are not required, but you’d be, Optional choices that add utility or a little extra dps are Improved Curse of, Agony, Nightfall, Curse of Exhaustion (with or without Improved Curse of, Exhaustion), Improved Drain Soul, Improved Imp, Fel Intellect, Fel, Concentration, and Master Summoner. Health stones are mana neutral without speccing into Improved, Healthstone, and are a net gain in resources with the talent. It requires 10 “wasted” points in Destruction to get to. Also remember: each point of life you get is worth even, more mana, due to Improved Life Tap. I'd say voidwalker is pretty useless for fast leveling in WoW Classic except you want get that megashield in specific/dangerous situations.Both can't tank but Imp at least provides 3-4 bigger dmg output plus stamina buff.What's better comparing to BfA, voidwaker doesn't AoE pull all neutral/yellow mobs and critters in Classic WoW. Use drain life when you feel it is needed. In this guide, we will explain all Affliction Warlock abilities and how they should be used optimally to maximize your performance, providing in-depth Affliction Warlock rotations and priority lists. This is achieved in part through their tanky voidwalker and imp drain soul, ... Voidwalker - Reduces physical damage taken by 10%. SHADOW BOLT: Deals direct shadow damage. This macro will remove any Spells and Macros on your action bars, use with caution. Intro Warlocks are mainly brought to raids for their high damage output and the class is arguably the most competitive dps class… Use all dots and drain life and fear and then if u see ally do the same and kill ally 1v5 i do it all the time also succubus is good for sleep i just fear and sleep and fear and sleep and fear and sleep and then mostly dead is hilarious when little gnome soul is sucked into my bag as a soul shard. FEL CONCENTRATION: Resist 70% of spell pushback when, channeling drain spells. This is, where your bandages come in. DRAIN LIFE: Channel to deal shadow damage to the target and, return the damage done as life to the caster. Just keep sending your VW pet and consume shadows if he’s low. This isn't about Voidwalker tanks or Affliction Warlocks Life Drain-tanking or the Twin Emperors Ahn-Qiraj fight specifically. Use Succubus, turn off all auto-cast abilities to save mana. This maintains mana with high survivability and good DPS. As a warlock, you will need to learn to use your pets, manage your threat, and collect Soul Shards. It’s very self-sustaining and I can tear through quests. BkWyrm13 12 years ago #12. much back-tracking. You kill literally thousands of mobs. There are 2 kinds of people in the world bullies and nerds... And hot asian chicks they will do what you want. However, it can also, make your efficiency worse if you make mistakes. Thus, I like to grab Improved Imp early on, (see A), and respec (B) once I am able to get 5/5 Fel Concentration and switch to, the Succubus.